(April 24 1996, 11:39 PM EST)
MILWAUKEE (Reuter) - Property belonging to serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, including the tools he used to murder and often dismember 17 young men and boys, will be auctioned, a lawyer said Wednesday.
Attorney Robert Steuer said a judge in Portage, Wisconsin, had cleared the way Tuesday for the sale of Dahmer's belonging to raise money for the families of his victims. No date had been set for the auction.
The judge ordered the sale of a sledge hammer, hatchet, hypodermic needle, knives, drill bits, hammers, saws and other property over the objection of prosecutors who said it might glorify Dahmer and his crimes.
Perry Friesler, another lawyer involved in the case, said items eligible for auction include furnishings removed from Dahmer's fetid apartment, including the refrigerator in which he kept body parts, as well as personal belongings he accumulated after he went to prison.
The ruling appeared to lift the final barrier to the auction, which has been under discussion for months.
Dahmer was serving multiple life sentences handed down in 1992 for his sexually driven, 13-year spree of murder and cannibalism when he was killed by a fellow inmate in November, 1994.
23:39 04-24-96